The first one's free, the next one's gonna cost ya
It's expensive
It changes your life style
It makes you feel so good
Some people are dealers
There's special equipment
You can't count past 8
You suffer withdrawal when you can't get it
It is the new way to advertise (instead of "heroin chic" it's "lindy chic")
You can't get enough of it
People outside can't understand why you do it
You give up things that used to be important to you to do it
You can only date within "the crowd"
Dealers go to high schools in the area to get the young crowd hooked
There is a special lingo
There are many names for the same thing
Many people try it, some become addicted
You think about it all the time and the next chance you will get to do it
It impairs the way you see things, suddenly everything is in black and white
It increases your appetite
You begin hiding your obsession so your friends don't think anything is wrong
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